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10 - 11 Months Old
April 2017: Hey again friends and family (not on Facebook, haha)....Sebastian is nearly a year old! He's crawling all over the place, close to walking, has a bunch of teeth, and sings and laughs and yammers on and on about who-knows-what. His favorite word is, of course, "Mamamama."
Check out the videos below, especially the one of him already MESSING WITH HIS OLD MAN! And he enjoys every bit of it too, the little shit!
Doug & Ali & Sebastian
Click for bigger pics (and swipe if on mobile)!

those eyes

determined walker

happy walker

visiting Grandma Fanny

looking at Grandma Fanny

first wagon ride

wagon ride with mommy

st paddys day

shopping with daddy


easter outfit

our beautiful guy

10 months old!

10 months old!

10 months old!

happy passenger
Peek - a - boo!!
Every time Daddy comes home from work...
Trying to get Sebastian to say "Dada". The little shit!
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